Thursday, November 27, 2008

27 November 2008- First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends and family! It has been a busy couple of days but we have enjoyed the many visitors and look forward to more this weekend. We have been wrestling with a pretty important decision regarding the future. From the beginning we were told that somewhere around the 24-25 week mark, Kel would have to re-enter the hospital and stay for the duration of the pregnancy for 24hour monitoring. Well, 24 weeks falls right on Christmas Eve and as you can imagine Kel was not too excited about being admitted to a hospital then. So our family has thought and prayed and as long as there are no changes in the overall situation, Kel will be moving into St. Johns on January 2nd. Please pray that we make it that far, and that when the time comes the joys of the milestone will outdo the fears of hospital life. On a more positive note, while it can't be confirmed, it's quite possible Daddy felt his first kick while rubbing Mommy's belly last night. A small sign that the little fighter is using what little room she has. God bless all of you this holiday season and thank you so much for the continued support.


Granny Janny said...

Once again, I'm thankful for another day that Kelly is infection free and has no signs of labor. Each day is a miracle and a gift from God. I'm in constant prayer that God is cradeling our little miracle in the palm of his hands, gently holding her. We continue walking through this journey, one day at a time, trusting God completely.

Unknown said...

Kelly - it's so good to read how you are doing and see that you are hanging in there and being strong. I think of you and pray for you, Jeff, and the baby every day. Take care and keep resting! Kathy