Tuesday, January 27, 2009

27 January- We are celebrating again as Kel hits the 29 week mark tomorrow. While I've been out of town Kel has done an amazing job of staying positive and not worrying that something would cause me to come rushing home. Today she had another ultrasound and we are so excited that Kel had more fluid today than she has since her water broke. It measured almost 6.3cm and it also appeared that Caroline's stomach and bladder were full. Both are possible signs of her taking in fluid which is great news. We have been so lucky this winter that most of our family has stayed healthy enough to visit Kel regularly. As we continually try to avoid germs even the sniffles are cause to stay away. Well, I've been out of St. Louis for three days now and I have a pretty good head cold. Please pray that I am over it before I return home on Friday. Also pray that while Kel has been doing great that we continue on that path and allow Caroline another month to grow before her grand entrance.


Maynard and Joy Howell said...

Wow, it's getting exciting to think that in a little over a month she will be here! That is such great news on the fluid level. It appears everything is getting in order for her to come. I am amazed at the way you have both handled all the obstacles that have been thrown your way,never losing your faith,and I'm looking forward to your reward of your beautiful little girl. I'm excited to get to spend the day with Kelly and Caroline tomorrow. Praying for you to get healthy before you come home Jeff. Be safe!

Granny Janny said...

I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness and while I want Caroline to stay inside her Mama for at least 5 more weeks, I can't wait to see her pretty face. God has given us so many gifts! Kelly I'm enjoying our scrapbooking sessions so much. You're doing such a great job! Celebrating week 29. . . WOW!!!

Aunt Jenn said...

We are all so excited and thankful for the miracle God continues to work, a testimony to His great power as the true physician. We are all so proud of you guys, what awesome parents little Caroline Hope will be born to! Love you!