10 February- We have known for quite some time just how miraculous this entire situation has been but tonight provided yet another sign. As Kel and I pulled up to the hospital we both noticed a full rainbow arching right over the top of St. Johns hospital. A comforting sign of God's presence for all those needing care. Kel and I have both been able to hold Caroline and today we began using a technique called Kangarooing where she laid right up against our skin to help maintain body heat. I can't explain the feeling of having her so close and feeling her heart and her lungs working so well. Caroline got a new style of bed today where she is more isolated and will hopefully be able to rest more soundly. Once in the new bed she also was moved to a more isolated area of the NICU where she is away from the hustle and bustle and Kel and I can spread out more while spending time with her. Yesterday we received confirmation that the valve opening in her heart is now closed and the lung x-rays will stop because of the progress she's been making. Tomorrow is a big day as the doctors will be conducting the first scan of her brain. Specifically they will be searching for abnormalities and any signs of brain bleeds. Please pray that all goes smoothly. Finally, we want to acknowledge the awesome amount of cards, flowers, and phone calls we have received since Caroline was born. As we try to spend as much time as possible by Caroline's side, it's been hard to communicate how much we appreciate everything. please know that when things settle we will begin returning calls and sending notes to express our deep amount of gratitude.

Praise God, Praise God, Praise God! I'm so excited to hear about Caroline's progress & that you guys are getting to hold her close! That is amazing. Also amazing is that she's off oxygen & that she pooped! Yay! We'll keep praying & we LOVED getting to see the beautiful pictures of your sweet baby girl. What a small wonder, and a miracle in the making. Can't wait to meet her!
Thank You for this wonderous gift. Your love is abundant in this story. Continue to shine your light on the Blankenships and little Caroline. The pictures are such a beautiful reflection of Your Spirit.
And, just in time for Valentine's Day!
These pictures are great! You look like any other parents with their new baby, Caroline is just a little smaller. It's so good to see you holding her. How awesome about the rainbow! We know a rainbow is a promise from God. We will be praying about the scan tomorrow but have every reason to believe God will continue to shower His blessings. He has a purpose for Caroline. I can't wait to see her tomorrow!
I love these pictures! So wonderful to see you two with your precious miracle. WOW, How blessed we are. Thank you Jesus. It's hard to find the words but my heart is bursting!!!!!
We are all so happy for the three of you! She is amazing and beautiful! God Bless your little miracle.
I can't tell you how happy I am for all three of you. Kelly and Jeff, your courage and fortitude throughout this whole thing has been an inspiration. And little Caroline, YOU have shown incredible fight and determination to "wait" to come into this world much longer than anyone could have hoped for. You are a true miracle.
I'm looking forward to seeing photos and hope to be able to meet Caroline soon!
It's so good to see you holding Caroline! What sweet pictures. I'll be praying for good news today.
Love, Ashley
These photos are absolutely beautiful. Please keep posting often - I think about you guys every day, and love seeing updates! She is a beauty! I'm so happy to hear that you're doing so well!
It is SO WONDERFUL to get to see these pictures!!! YAY!!! They are bringing me tears of joy for all of you. I cant even imagine the incredble feeling of finally getting to hold her! God is truly an AWESOME God and has been holding all of you in his hands through this journey. I am so thankful to have been able to share in your journey. Congratulations!
Jeff & Kelly,
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to view your blog and recieve updates on Caroline's status. You have one beautiful little girl.
Kelly and Jeff - What beautiful pictures of each of you holding Caroline! They made me cry. Congratulations on the miraculous progress she has made. Let us know when we can share photos with the kids at school :)
Kelly, Jeff, and Caroline,
What a beautiful family you have! This has been a truly miraculous journey for all three of you. You guys look precious holding Caroline and Kelly you look amazing!!! I love reading the updates, so please keep us all posted.
-Katie, Mike, and Gabe Griffin
Jeff, Kelly & Caroline:
CONGRATULATIONS!! I have had company and haven't checked the blog in a while!! I am soo happy that Caroline is showing such great signs of progress!! I am so happy you are holding her and able to love on her!! And finally, YAY FOR POOP!! God is Good!!
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