22 December- It may not seem possible but we've just completed our last weekly check-up before Kel checks in to the hospital next week. That's right, we've hit the 24 week mark. A huge milestone that we are so blessed to have reached. Kel's report at the doctor today was much of the same. Good blood pressure, good fetal heartbeat, signs of baby movement, and a bit more fluid than last week. Both doctors were able to give a great deal more information about what Kel should expect when she moves in next Friday. Her OB-GYN even said he was "excited" that we've made it this far. While Kel and I could not be happier of the progress she has made, we ask that you pray for two specific things. First, Kel faces a whole new challenge when she goes to live at the hospital for an unforeseen amount of time. Second, that we continue to progress forward hitting new milestones and amaze the doctors even further. Thank you all and Merry Christmas.
Prayer is amazing and Faith can move mountains and...amaze doubting doctors! I know this transition period into the hospital is going to be a tough one for you guys. I am so proud of you - the love you both share and the beautiful little Caroline that you are bringing into the world. Next Christmas we will be passing around your bouncing bundle of joy! I love you guys!
I am so thankful for this good news. Last night during our sing-a-long we sang "Sweet Caroline". I'm so proud of both of you Kelly, you have done amazing and Jeff you have kept the household going. Hospital time won't be easy, but compared to what you've already been through it won't seem so bad because it will be getting you closer to the time when Caroline comes! We'll still keep praying! What a Christmas blessing!
Awesome news! Let us know about visiting hours at the hospital, etc... :)
You are both in our prayers!
This is such a special week. I remember 6 weeks ago when we learned of the situation, realizing the importance of the 24th week and then realizing Kelly's 24th week would be Christmas Eve. How we prayed that we would be able to celebrate both. I'm overwhelmed with God's blessings and faithfulness. What peace we have knowing He is in control. XOXOX
We are so thankful of the good report on the progress of little Miss B. She's a fighter! :) Keep us posted on visiting hours and ideas of things to bring to keep Kelly entertained! And I believe that is a foot that I see up by her pretty little face in this most recent sonogram! Correct?
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